Friday, October 27, 2006

More NaNo

Another day and still no plot. But the world and the main character are really starting to take shape in my mind. I'm starting to figure out some of the secondary characters as well. So I guess it's all coming along pretty well.

In my first attempt at a novel I didn't have anything planned in advance, really. I kind of had an idea for a story and I had a name and physical description for the two main characters. Beyond that I had nothing. And the story never did quite go the direction I had planned, but it seemed to be gearing up to head that way, at least.

I actually read over the whole thing today and realized it wasn't half bad. Certainly it wasn't exactly 'good' but I think it's workable and I'm actually considering finishing it in the next few months. Not next month, of course, I have another book to worry about then....

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