Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Testing a new thing here

Wonder how this is going to work…


... about that "easily distracted" thing. More Fallout 3 and Rockband 2 but I also recently went back to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Vanguard is as beautiful as ever, and, despite the fact that its been left with a very small team supporting it, many improvements have been made to it.

My main computer had a meltdown a few weeks ago. Failed boots and bluescreen after bluescreen. Limped along until the new one arrived a week and a half ago.

I can't believe how much more powerful this new system is over my old one.. or how tiny it is. Still getting used to Vista but all in all I'm liking it.

Have Adobe PS CS 4 Extended installed... that was an exercise in frustration. I have the upgrade version, and while Adobe allows you to upgrade from several different versions of Photoshop, the installation software only recognizes one of them. If you're upgrading from any other of the accepted pieces of software you have to call their customer service to get an override code. I guess they figure that since they're outsourcing their tech support it doesn't matter how much extra work they create for them.

Also have installed ZBrush 3. That was actually pretty simple once I figured out to give ZBrush admin rights so it could authenticate. And ZBrush 4 has been announced for August of this year. I can't wait to see what it will be like.

My Land Raider has been put on hold but I hope to get back to it early next month. The new work area ended up having lighting issues and I've yet to figure out a solution for it, though it's becoming a high priority for me.