Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More Practice

That’s pretty much all I’ve been doing lately. Which is good, I suppose, since I certainly still need much practice.

That’s my 3rd and best attempt at a face in ZBrush recently.

The first attempt looked a bit like a squashed ball with features stuck on it. Like a Mr. Potato Head, but with a smaller potato. Okay, so it wasn’t that bad. But it was pretty awful, even for something that I had intended to be orcish.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trouble with Angry

No pictures yet. I’ve been heavy on the starting and light on the finishing when it comes to new projects.

Tried making an evil, angry demon-cat-thing in Zbrush (head only) and while it looks reasonably like a demon-cat-thing, it’s not remotely close to looking evil and angry. I think the word that best describes it’s expression is “cheerful”. Definitely not what I was going for…

Friday, July 10, 2009

Trying something new

Messing around with ZBrush today and ended up with something I thought was interesting. Just a random “practice head” but it’s different from what I normally tend towards.

I’ve imported it into Photoshop (as a document) and I’m trying out a new technique (for me) with it. So far I’m liking the result. If it turns out as well as I hope, I’ll post a picture of it soon.

On the drumming side of things, I purchased a Beatnik RA1200p last week. It’s essentially a high-tech practice pad. Not only does it have a built-in metronome, but it can give you a ton of feedback to let you know how well you are doing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Twice the Goodness

Today I got a second monitor so I can run my computer in dual monitor mode with an extended desktop. It took a bit to get it working. Monitor 2 was just going black when I extended the desktop to it. I did a few web searches and some other trouble shooting. In the end all I had to do was update the video card drivers.

That kind of surprised me since I had just updated them less than three weeks ago. Normally it would be the first thing I tried, but since I knew I had just recently updated them I was certain that wasn’t the problem.

Of course I only got the new monitor because my old one was going black when I extended the desktop to it. I had never run dual monitors before and I had assumed at the time it was because it could not support the same resolution of my primary monitor.

Lesson learned.. and it only cost me a couple hundred bucks!

For the record though, so far I am very happy with my new Dell E2009W monitor so far.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So what was that Test thing anyways?

A few weeks ago I did a test of Windows Live Writer. It’s a desktop blog publishing application. There is nothing really spectacular about it. I’m sure there are other apps out there just like it.

But it is clean, and easy to use and, for whatever reason the Write-Login-Publish workflow I find to be less of a hassle than the Login-Write-Publish one. And because of this I (so far) have been writing more.

We’ll see how long this lasts….

Monday, June 22, 2009

Short-Cuts, Long Delays

Most days I like to consider myself an artist. Lately, though, I’ve had to face the fact that I’m an artist who has skimped badly on building her foundation.

What I’m referring to specifically is perspective. Oh, sure, I can draw your basic box in simple 1, 2 or even 3 point perspective, but a circle? curve? complex object?

While I do love my abstracts, it’s only half of what I want to do. As an artist it’s very frustrating to not be able to draw an image when it pops into my head. So I’ve decided to go back and study perspective until I  “get it”… and then practice it frequently so I don’t lose it.

I think my problem all along has been that I’ve always seen the issue of perspective as a problem to be overcome for whichever project I was working on at the time. I’ve always managed to muck through it and come up with a solution for the problem. But somehow I’ve always managed to come away from each problem without having learned anything.

I’ve decided that my entire approach is wrong. It’s a tool to be used, not a problem to be overcome. Once I have a firm understanding of it, once it’s second nature to me, it wont be a problem. It’s only a problem now because, hey, I just wanted to draw cool stuff, not work with boring lines and vanishing points and junk.

In retrospect it was a bit like trying to write a book without first learning the alphabet…

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Blame Spring

Normally I’m not into that whole “outdoors” thing, but it’s been a very nice Spring this year. I haven’t done any of the hiking/camping kind of stuff, but the yard is looking nicer and the dog has been getting more playtime. And I think I’m starting to get a real tan.. I haven’t had a real tan since.. 1986?

I need to knuckle down and finish the picture I’ve been working on for, what seems, forever now. I’ve completely restarted it once already as I noticed when I upgraded to PS4 that everything I did from there out had a different feel from everything I’d done before the upgrade. Maybe it was all in my mind but it bothered me and I couldn’t get over it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Testing a new thing here

Wonder how this is going to work…


... about that "easily distracted" thing. More Fallout 3 and Rockband 2 but I also recently went back to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Vanguard is as beautiful as ever, and, despite the fact that its been left with a very small team supporting it, many improvements have been made to it.

My main computer had a meltdown a few weeks ago. Failed boots and bluescreen after bluescreen. Limped along until the new one arrived a week and a half ago.

I can't believe how much more powerful this new system is over my old one.. or how tiny it is. Still getting used to Vista but all in all I'm liking it.

Have Adobe PS CS 4 Extended installed... that was an exercise in frustration. I have the upgrade version, and while Adobe allows you to upgrade from several different versions of Photoshop, the installation software only recognizes one of them. If you're upgrading from any other of the accepted pieces of software you have to call their customer service to get an override code. I guess they figure that since they're outsourcing their tech support it doesn't matter how much extra work they create for them.

Also have installed ZBrush 3. That was actually pretty simple once I figured out to give ZBrush admin rights so it could authenticate. And ZBrush 4 has been announced for August of this year. I can't wait to see what it will be like.

My Land Raider has been put on hold but I hope to get back to it early next month. The new work area ended up having lighting issues and I've yet to figure out a solution for it, though it's becoming a high priority for me.